List of Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Harmonizing government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. With Luca Messerschmidt, Isaac Bravo, Marco Waldbauer, Rohan Bhavikatti, Caress Schenk, Vanja Grujic, Tim Model, Robert Kubinec and Joan Barceló. Scientific Data, 11, no. 204 (2024). [article]
A Bayesian latent variable model for the optimal identification of disease incidence rates given information constraints. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, qnae040 (2024). With Robert Kubinec, Luiz Max Carvalho, Joan Barceló, Luca Messerschmidt and Matthew Cottrell. [article]
“A General Primer for Data Harmonization. Scientific Data 11, no. 152 (2024). With Luca Messerschmidt, Isaac Bravo, Marco Waldbauer, Rohan Bhavikatti, Caress Schenk, Vanja Grujic, Tim Model, Robert Kubinec and Joan Barceló. [article]
A comparative analysis of the effects of containment policies on the epidemiological manifestation of the COVID-19 pandemic across nine European countries. Scientific Reports 13, no. 1 (2023): 11631. With Chiara Podrecca, Enea Parimbelli, Daniele Pala, Cindy Cheng, Luca Messerschmidt, Tim Büthe, and Riccardo Bellazzi. [article]
Capturing the COVID-19 Crisis through Public Health and Social Measures Data Science. Scientific Data 9, no. 1 (2022). With Amélie Desvars-Larrive, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Thomas Hale, Alex Howes, Lukas Lehner, Luca Messerschmidt, Angeliki Nika, Steve Penson, Anna Petherick, Hanmeng Xu, Alexander Zapf, Yuxi Zhang, and Sophia Zweig. [article]
A New Interactive Tool to Visualize and Analyze COVID-19 Data: the PERISCOPE Atlas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 15 (2022): 1-16. With Daniele Pala, Enea Parimbelli, Cristiana Larizza, Manuel Ottaviano, Andrea Pogliaghi, Vladimir Urošević, Goran Đukić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Ognjen Milićević, Paola Cerchiello, Paolo Giudici, Riccardo Bellazzi. [article]
“The PERISCOPE Data Atlas: A Demonstration of Release v1. 2.” In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Cham: Springer, (2022): pp. 412-415. With Enea Parimbelli, Cristiana Larizza, Vladimir Urosevic, Andrea Pogliaghi, Manuel Ottaviano, Vincent Benoit [article]
Windows of Repression: Using COVID-19 Policies against Political Dissidents?” Journal of Peace Research 59, no. 1 (2021): 73-89. With Joan Barceló, Robert Kubinec, Tiril Rahm and Luca Messerschmidt. [article]
Keeping Friends Close, But Enemies Closer: Foreign Aid Responses to Natural Disasters. British Journal of Political Science, 51, no. 3 (2020): 940:962. With Shahryar Minhas. [article]
COVID-19 Government Response Event Dataset (CoronaNet v1.0).” Nature Human Behaviour 4, no. 7 (2020): 756-768. With Joan Barceló, Allison Hartnett, Robert Kubinec, and Luca Messerschmidt. [article]
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Getting a Seat at the International Health Table: A Case Study Comparison of China and Vietnam. With Anh Do. In Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance, edited by Joost Pauwelyn, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022: 311-348.
Matching Country Pairs: Using Coarsened Exact Matching for Case Study Selection.” With Tim Büthe. In Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance, edited by Joost Pauwelyn, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022: 71-88.
Policy Responses to the Coronavirus in Germany”. In The World Before and After COVID-19: Intellectual Reflections on Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations. With Tim Büthe Luca Messerschmidt, edited by Gian Luca Gardini. Stockholm – Salamanca: European Institute of International Relations, 2020: 97-102.
Codex Alimentarius Commission. In Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, edited by Ferranti, Pasquale, Berry, Elliot, Anderson, Jock. Elsevier, 2019: 50–55.
Private Transnational Governance of Economic Development: International Development Aid. With Tim Büthe. In Handbook of Global Economic Governance, edited by Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver. London: Routledge, 2013. 322-341.
Editor-reviewed publications:
Albrecht, Clara, Cindy Cheng, Christa Hainz, Luca Messerschmidt, and Tanja Stitteneder. “CoronaNet meets DICE: Sammlung, Systematisierung und Visualisierung von Daten zu staatlichen Maßnahmen gegen die Covid-19-Pandemie.” ifo Schnelldienst
Cheng, Cindy, Luca Messerschmidt, Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir, Clara Albrecht, Christa Hainz, Tanja Stitteneder, Joan Barceló, Vanja Grujic, Allison Spencer Hartnett, Robert Kubinec, Timothy Model and Caress Schenk. “Tracking Government Responses to Covid-19: The CoronaNet Research Project”. CESifo Forum 3/2021, vol 21.
Büthe, Tim and Cindy Cheng. “The Effect of Competition Law on Innovation: A Cross-National Statistical Analysis.” In A Step Ahead: Competition Policy for Shared Prosperity and Inclusive Growth. Papers/Proceedings from the Inaugural Meeting of the World Bank-OECD Global Network of Experts on Competition and Shared Prosperity. Washington DC: World Bank, 2017: 187-224.
Other Publications
Mapping and explaining variance in government response to COVID‑19 across europe. In Pan‑European Response to the ImpactS of COVID‑19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics (PERISCOPE) De‑ liverable 7.6, 2023 [Report]
Taxonomy of policy responses and impact assessment mapping. With Paolo Guidici, Riccardo Bellazzi, Tim Büthe, Rosa Castro, Thomas Czypinoka, Daniel Gros, Luca Messerschmdit, Walter Osika, Elin Pöllänen, Andrea Renda, Sophia Russack, Janina Steinert, Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir, Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri. In Pan‑European Response to the ImpactS of COVID‑19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics (PERISCOPE) De‑ liverable 1.2, 2021 [Report]
“Behind CoronaNet: How We Built our Dataset.” With Luca Messerschmidt, Joan Barceló, Allison Spencer Hartnett, Vanja Grujic, Robert Kubinec, Timothy Model and Caress Schenk. Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Research, (2020).[link]
A German Miracle? Crisis Management During The COVID-19 Pandemic in A Multi-Level System.” With Markus Siewert, Stefan Wurster, Luca Messerschmidt, and Tim Büthe. PEX Special Report: Coronavirus Outbreak, Presidents’ Responses, and Institutional Consequences, (2020). [link]
Book Reviews
- Review of Controlling Institutions International Organizations and the Global Economy by Randall Stone, Political Science Quarterly 127(3): 486:488.